CH Marble Motto
Every details inside the marble is carved with the heart of our craftsmen, integrating the long history into the product, display it perfectly in space.
Timeless Experiences
Quality is priceless,
we believe craftsmanship is the key to create great design.
Showroom (Hong Kong Based)
Factory (Yun Fu Based)
Factory (Hong Kong Based)
CH BUILDERS提供全站式服務,從石材選取,石材加工,石材安裝,石材保護,我們都清楚及了解並可避重就輕去展示客人要求的效果,相比分開找公司去完成,我們可免去一般溝通問題而引起的低級錯誤。當然,若只需某一服務,我們都絕對可以勝任